Craig and Suzanne Kuehn

                Our Family and Travels


There were bison everywhere, every day. Smoke from the Grand Teton fire. Cow elk at Mammoth.

Elk at Mammoth. The smoke pic from Grand Teton was taken moments before the north entrance was closed. Bull elk at Madison.

​Obligatory Old Faithful pic. Two cow elk feeding along side of the road will slow down traffic. We despaired the we would not see a moose this time because of the Grand Teton closure, but we saw this cow on Highway 191 on the western edge of Yellowstone.

The small brown patch in the left photo is a downed bison by 2 wolves just 45 minutes after we got there. The wolves had their fill and left, but a coyote that is not visible was feeding on it in the Lamar Valley. Below the Lamar valley was an osprey nest. A 500 pound black bear feeding on a bison in the Yellowstone River above Fishing Bridge (where it snowed a little).

Traffic crawls when a bison decides to take a slow stroll down the highway. Pronghorn feeding. A wandering cow elk near Yellowstone Lake.

We spent the last day of our trip in Bozeman and among other things, we visited the Museum of the Rockies. The museum has a very good dinosaur exhibit and a planetarium. A T-Rex guards the entrance.  

We made our base of visiting these parks for the first time in Bozeman, MT. This was a year of fires. We made it to Grand Teton only two times as the road into the park from the north was closed moments after we left the park on the second day, due to fire.  The next day, Yellowstone's South Entrance was closed. Grand Teton is a better place for wildlife viewing, but it turned out okay being limited to Yellowstone.  Yellowstone had four wildfires, with one threating West Yellowstone.

​We were there for the 100th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park and the National Park Service.

​Yellowstone and Grand Tetons 2016