Craig and Suzanne Kuehn

                Our Family and Travels


Exhibit in Cody. Man too close to take the elk's photo. Pronghorn.

Stage coach, Cody. Moose. Grizzly mama and one of her two cubs.

Bison, bison, everywhere. Coyotes. Grizzly by its downed elk.

Craters of the Moon, NM, Idaho. Bald eagles. Buffalo Bill Museum, Cody.

Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Craters of the Moon 2011

In 2011, we had the good fortune to spend two weeks for the first time in the Yellowstone area. Also for the first time we stayed in traded timeshares in Island Park, Idaho. Island Park is not far from West Yellowstone, Montana. 

We stayed in two different timeshares and when we had to check out of one and wait to check in another, we visited Craters of the Moon National Monument for the first. time. This was a trip of several firsts.

In all our trips to the Yellowstone area never saw grizzlies. We have seen occasional black bears, but never grizzlies. This time, we saw four grizzlies. The grizzlies seemed to be particularly active during this visit. Large sections of both Yellowstone and Grand Teton were closed due to grizzly activity. One hiker was killed by a grizzly while we were there. We also saw Bald Eagles for the first time (Grand Teton).

This was truly a trip of firsts.