Darling Harbor Zoo: one huge crocodile. A duck-billed platypus. A Tasmanian Devil.

Sydney 2017

We settled into Sydney finding a meal in its Chinatown near our hotel. The next day was a bus tour of the city and its history. We stopped at photo places then went on a tour of the Sydney Opera House. Pictures were not allowed in the stages there, but were okay elsewhere. We then went to the National Opal Museum for a presentation on Australia opal mining and industry, and of course, a shopping opportunity. The next day was a free day and went to the aquarium and zoo at Darling Harbor. The pub next to the hotel was pretty good, too.

(left to tight): us at Sydney Harbor with the opera house and bridge in the background. Sydney Opera House. Downtown Sydney.

                   Craig and Suzanne Kuehn

                Our Family and Travels

A dugong (Australian version of a manatee). A manta ray.  A grey nurse shark.

Arriving at the opera house, which is made up of six buildings. From inside one the buildings. A view of two of the clam shells showing the tiles.

Darling Harbor Aquarium: king penguins. Coral and fish. Sawfish, which is actually a ray.