Craig and Suzanne Kuehn

                Our Family and Travels


Another Waiohai sunset; Kauai coffee plantation; 2 monk seals on Poipu Beach 

Alex, Alec, and Jeff at Waimea Canyon; sunset at Waiohai; Waiohai bar looking to ward the middle of the resort

Napali shore; Us on the boat; a Napali valley original Hawaiians settled

We spent two weeks at our Waiohai timeshare. The first week, we hosted Craig's brother Jeff, Jeff's daughter Alex, and her boyfriend, Alec. They were busy exploring and taking in the many experiences of seeing Kauai. As usual, it was hard to leave. When we got home it was to a PG&E blacked out house.

Kauai 2019

We took a dinner cruise of the Napali Coast: the jagged rise to the upper Kauai Island; Kong Rock from the King Kong movie; looking toward the north shore of the island